Missing Shipment
If your shipment doesn’t arrive by the estimated delivery date, here's your options!
- Track your order: Orders can be tracked on our website using the tracking number on your final invoice.
- Contact us: If you need more information, we can also track your order. If we suspect the shipment has been lost by the carrier, we will trace it with the carrier.
- Lost Shipments: If we determine that your shipment may be lost, don’t worry, we can send a replacement shipment.
Missing Items
If you can't find a item, we’ll help!
If you suspect that an item is missing from your shipment here’s a few things to check:
- Check your invoice to confirm the item is listed.
- Empty all packaging material to see if the item was lost in the packing peanuts, bubble wrap or other packing materials.
- Look inside any internal cardboard boxes or tubes.
- Check in any bags or bundles of other items. Often small items may be bagged or wrapped together for protection.
If you are still unable to locate the item, then notify us as soon as possible. Our customer service representative will help you get a replacement or refund.